
Meet the group who made ‘ReDiscover’, find out about the process and uses for the resources that have been created as part of the project.

The basic idea of the project was: What if each Bloxwich building or street has a story to tell? And what if some of these stories are fascinating? Or scary? Or funny? And what if they make you think about Bloxwich in a new way? Re-discover it.

So Walsall Academy students set out to find out about Bloxwich’s heritage, and to tell that story back to Bloxwich residents. They talked to celebrities, their own families, older people and historians. This website and the film they made pools all of the information, photos, interviews and stories that came to light throughout the project. We hope you enjoy finding out about Bloxwich’s past.


The project has led to the creation of a film, this website, a book and public art works around Bloxwich by Luke Perry of Industrial Heritage Stronghold.